an excuse forの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Trainer Roger Attfield had an excuse for that performance, however.
  2. That the Rose Bowl is just an excuse for a parade.
  3. You've always got an excuse for putting things off.
  4. Of course there's an excuse for all this mediocrity.
  5. Remember when every vacant lot was an excuse for a ballgame?


  1. "an exclamation mark"の例文
  2. "an exclamation point"の例文
  3. "an exclusive"の例文
  4. "an exclusive right"の例文
  5. "an excursion train"の例文
  6. "an executive committee"の例文
  7. "an executory contract"の例文
  8. "an exercise in humility"の例文
  9. "an exhibition"の例文
  10. "an exhibition catalogue"の例文
  11. "an exclusive right"の例文
  12. "an excursion train"の例文
  13. "an executive committee"の例文
  14. "an executory contract"の例文

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